Thursday, April 26, 2007

Moments of the week...or day..or...or...LOOK WHATS THAT A DISTRACTION!

Long title I know, heh...And awhile since I posted. The last one was just kind of provoked explosion after a long..month/week of holding everything in and keeping myself mostly in check. And then I spent a day in silence after losing a bet. -.-. First time for everything, and I had a quarter riding on that one. *Sigh*. Pity us broke people! Anyhoo, if I can go, lacrosse game should be at least vaguely amusing. Seeing as I have no idea how lacrosse works except for what I pried out of Arnettt in gettysburg when Sahar wanted to switch seats to watch mean girls. So....all I know is it's some soccer and some football. With rugby mixed in. And there is sticks and violence involved. Huzzah, now if only it wasn't the same time as soccer practice...heh, anyways, wish me luck for tomorrow I play soccer with our little team! My first time playing with gh...I miss the godaiko allstars. We were so together...*sniffle* ah well can't have everything! Gnehehe...
-----Caustic Sarcasm
My eyes, can't believe what they have seen, in the corner of your room you've stock-piled millions of my memories. O Doctor doctor, I must have gotten sick somehow, I'm going to ask you a series of questions and I want them answered on the spot right now...Is it serious? I'm afraid it is. Am I gonna die? Well son, death is gonna catch up to all one day, you're just going quicker then always, some things will need a breaking to taking and here's what I'm saying, hold your heads high heavy hearts, so take a chance and make it big cuz it's the last you'll ever get, and we'll take it, when will we make it. I make plans, big plans, cuz I've been planning something big, planning...


~ forever and always... said...

I don't really have a comment, except not really aloud to beat people with the sticks. You gotta wonder what dunce came up with that rule. Lacross goes back to the Native Americans. And they were pretty brutal. Thats actually how they brock into a fort once. They were playing lacross outside the fort and the third time the ball flew in the Enlish?/British? got lazy and let the Natives get it. Well, there wen't the fort. Wow, how do I know that?


Anonymous said...

you've got a comment now.

You've got a friiiieeeend in MEEEEEEEEE


joshehpü said...

yay, anna!
i read your blog every day whether you post or not, ill have you know. anyways.

~ forever and always... said...

Ditto to Josh... Bassically the same. I try to post though... :-/ POST ON MINE GOD DAMMIT!!!