Wednesday, May 2, 2007

heh..the joys of being sick -.-

I was sick. All day, meaning I got plagued by nasuea, dizziness, and vague creepy irritating dreams when I managed to sleep. And overheating, lots of that.But other than that just mostly daydreaming, occasional vegetating, and with the right intentions hw. But this science stuff is killing me cuz I don't know how to describe how in the name o' the gods the stupid lemon battery works in my "own words" grrr. Dumb assignment, I did this in 4th grade why do it again ARRGGGHHH!!!!
------Caustic Sarcasm
I am extroradinary, if you'd ever get to know me, I am extroardinary, I am just you're ordinary average every day sane psycho, supergoddess, average everyday sane psycho. So dig a little deeper, cuz, you still don't get it yet, see me naked my mind, needs a prim and a fix, and I'll make, I'll make you love me. (I'm aware this song is stalkerish, I just like it, highschool musical fans eat your heart out!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi anna. i'm sorry you're sick.

once i was sick and i felt really hot, and i thought i was asleep, but i was awake and resting my elbows on my pillow and glaring out my window. and i had a dream that these police guards were bending the people who couldn't pay for the dc trip's heads back as far as they could go in this room with a dividing wall in the middle of it, and a bunch of just big cubes in it.

it was whacked, man.

it was also terrifying unpleasant.