Saturday, April 28, 2007


this is so messed up. Feh, dumb compy >.>. And heads up for those who hate my ranting, see the next larrrge spot and skip it until you see a line like the one under this.
This is so messed up. What is wrong with civilization? You can always rely on people gushing on. and on. AND ON. when it comes to that someone. Either that or they clam up. But again, what's with girls going i am not wooorrthyy or saying OMG Were soo gunna go out! I <3 him ayada...yada...YADA. News flash, no guy is gonna come along on a white horse treat us with respect and love, and joking, unless you're either a) one of the lucky few who've been married/dating awhile b) another lucky one whose going out with someone or soon to. See the thing is, while it's all good and dandy for you people, the rest of us, who don't, who're seen as weird, or constantly beat on ourselves? Yeah, we DON'T get the guy. we DON'T get a happy ever after. And while I'm incredibly happy for my friends who end up doing well for themselves...well at least save a couple of us the gushing for like five seconds. I respect your want to have a boyfriend/girlfriend, but what about us un's who have no mutual crushes. Just one...embaressing one. But go about your normal lives. Cuz I'm just a crazy ranty girl. ^^
So besides that, my blog was screwed up. For a looong while. (Aka all of today), so I'm a little annnoyed. And mostly with myself. See while in soccer the other day we lost (2-0) and while playing I killed my ankle. So is now swelled up. Hugely so, and turning interesting colors. And also explain to me how the hell I can get pushed out of my own bed, by a small furry animal known as cats. HOW? I woke up several times with my cat spread out across my pillow, and me hugged up against the railing/wall. Someone explain the phsyics of this cuz it's not making sense to me
-------Caustic Sarcasm
It's time to say a word, say it like you mean it. He spoke with his song of hearts, as my eyes hold back, hoping for an end, One too many condescending battles for a friend. I'll try to stay awake when I go when i get home I'll try to stay awake over the phone so I can tell the truth tell the truth..

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Moments of the week...or day..or...or...LOOK WHATS THAT A DISTRACTION!

Long title I know, heh...And awhile since I posted. The last one was just kind of provoked explosion after a long..month/week of holding everything in and keeping myself mostly in check. And then I spent a day in silence after losing a bet. -.-. First time for everything, and I had a quarter riding on that one. *Sigh*. Pity us broke people! Anyhoo, if I can go, lacrosse game should be at least vaguely amusing. Seeing as I have no idea how lacrosse works except for what I pried out of Arnettt in gettysburg when Sahar wanted to switch seats to watch mean girls. So....all I know is it's some soccer and some football. With rugby mixed in. And there is sticks and violence involved. Huzzah, now if only it wasn't the same time as soccer practice...heh, anyways, wish me luck for tomorrow I play soccer with our little team! My first time playing with gh...I miss the godaiko allstars. We were so together...*sniffle* ah well can't have everything! Gnehehe...
-----Caustic Sarcasm
My eyes, can't believe what they have seen, in the corner of your room you've stock-piled millions of my memories. O Doctor doctor, I must have gotten sick somehow, I'm going to ask you a series of questions and I want them answered on the spot right now...Is it serious? I'm afraid it is. Am I gonna die? Well son, death is gonna catch up to all one day, you're just going quicker then always, some things will need a breaking to taking and here's what I'm saying, hold your heads high heavy hearts, so take a chance and make it big cuz it's the last you'll ever get, and we'll take it, when will we make it. I make plans, big plans, cuz I've been planning something big, planning...

Monday, April 23, 2007

Crazed day

day starts out good. gets worse rapidly. Being the blunt person I am, and having no finesse I use the blunt questions. And I usually listen to people if they need to bitch. Now before i start getting objects or shit flung at me, understand this much people, I listen. I don't share. I don't care if you see it some other way, that's the way it works. Whether you think so, or if something went bad cuz you took my advice kay. Currently, I've taken enough shit for a lifetime. (and i'm aware I'm swearing too much big deal) from other people, and the rest of the current population oh yeah and kinda my entire messed-up little head. So if you have a problem with me, talk to my face, not rant, TALK, speak, listen. You have a problem with me, you deal with it. You have a problem in your own life, sorry I'm not dealing with it anymore, since apparently my advice sucks. Have a nice day shitheads and a better day people I care about. And goodbye if we've recently not become friends.
-----Caustic Sarcasm
Phrases and pages, turnin' on the street. We've been lost, and too long overheaped. Everyone's losin it, wars and dying. Lets not forget the kids inside we were. We played, we've run, and as we get older, we play a different game, and it's getting worse, times are tiring, and I guess I'm growing older, we never ran away in the end, and kept strong. I'm just wishing that I could let it go.And I'm wishing I could never say a word, oh no, because words are the stones of life. And I'm casting them one by one, leaving you all behind, hiding in this glass shell of broken mirrors and lies. Because the truth is all that hurts, so it's easier to lie.
----written by yours truly folks, cheesy and suting my mood. Buh bye for now.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Big news of the day

Interests of the week: tormenting boys, eating lots of raw cookie dough so I'm revved up, kicking Rachel the hell out of the kitchen if I could, oh yeah and WINNING THE LEAGUE FOR SOCCER AHAHAHAHHA SUCKAS!
So, what's happened all in all is tonight I made lots an lots of cookies. Chocolate chip to be precise. Have now stuffed myself full on raw cookie dough and actually cookie. Not to mention nummy din-din my mommy made. Unfortunately, my sister came in and took over when one of my conditions to making cookies was that she or my little brother would NOT come into the kitchen and try and "help" aka take over. The tormenting boys bit was just poking fun at John Adams (Whose too damn angsty for his own good, my turf dammit, MINE!) and Josh, cuz he made fun of me for not having a life outside the computer. Then my computer fried. It is now dead. I can no longer access my stories, chats, or life. Therefore I guess that would make me the walking dead. The computer I am using is my dads. And I found an awesome song earlier this year, youtube video here--> . And the last bit? From yesterday, its finally sinking in that for once my team is not second place, not gonna have another season to win indoor (at least till fall and that I'll be there :() and that's making me damn happy. But the yardwork today sucked. Cuz it feels like my feet have been minced up. With a grapefruit spoon. Ahha...
-------Caustic Sarcasm
I gotta be honest, I think you know, we're covered in lies and that's okay. At least somewhere beyond this, I know, but I hope I can find the words to say anyway. Never again, no no, no never again. Cause you're a god, and I am not, and I just thought I'd let you go. And you're a god , oh when I am not, and I just thought I'd let you know. I've been unable to put you down, I'm still learning things I oughta know by now. It's under the table, so, I need something more to show somehow.